Travelling / Enrichment Opportunities
Brock STARS Program - earn university credits while during grade 12
CanGap - ideas for gap year students
Explore - travel throughout Canada FOR FREE in spring/summer while learning French
YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange - exchange program to Quebec
Edutravel - earn credits (Civics/Careers English, etc.) while traveling
Dig It with the DSBN - horticulture program - speak with guidance for more information
SWAP - agency to assist with a transition to working abroad
Scientifically Yours - 2 day science experience for grade 10 & 11 students at Brock
Brock Mentorship program - earn credits while working with a university professor
Global Summers Academy - Earn credits travelling internationally
Katimavik - volunteer service programs across Canada
Ontario Science Centre - earn grade 12 science credits at the Ontario Science Centre
International Experience Canada - work and travel abroad
Shad Canada - STEAM and Entrepreneurship Summer Experience
Study Skills and Extra Help:
Math Homework Help (available in students’ eLearning Portal)
Tutors: Brock University - Faculty of Education
Contact and provide the following information:
Parent/guardian name
Telephone number
Email address
Subject and grade for which tutor is required
Frequency (weekly, daily, monthly)
Payment terms ($ per hour)